Life Index Cards

Life Index Card 1

For many years I’ve been meaning to write Life Index Cards and use them as daily guidelines. The reason: If I use them for writing scripts why not write them for a quick referral in different life scenarios.

Example: the other day I ran into someone I don’t particularly like. And I don’t particularly like this guy because every time I run into him, it’s always me who has to engage into saying hello first and it’s always him who has to make me feel like he’s doing me a favor by saying hello back to me.
I always end up asking myself why the hell did I say hello to him in the first place? Damn, I don’t even want to say hello to him!

So, back to my story: last time I ran into him , I faked receiving a cell phone call, waved from the distance and turned back on my steps, feigning to have an urgent matter to solve. Agreed, I walked a lot more and I was late for an appointment but I did avoid that awful feeling and did not give him the pleasure of saying hello back to me.

Life Index Card 1: Fake a phone call when you don’t want to say hello to someone.